Dr. Kushal Jain Picture Gallery

Picture Gallery

As a doctor, I had the privilege of completing an internship at Harbin Medical University in China during the academic year of 2019-2020. The experience was nothing short of exceptional, as I was exposed to a wealth of knowledge and expertise from some of the most respected professionals in the field.

I was particularly impressed by the university’s cutting-edge facilities and state-of-the-art equipment, which allowed me to practice a wide range of medical procedures under the guidance of experienced mentors.

The university also placed a strong emphasis on research, encouraging us to explore new ideas and contribute to the medical community. I had the opportunity to work with international students from various countries, allowing me to learn about different cultures and expand my worldview. Overall, my experience at Harbin Medical University was truly transformative, and I am grateful for the knowledge and skills that I acquired during my time there.

-Dr Kushal Jain
Department of Pediatrics at Second Affiliated Hospital of Harbin Medical University, China – Dr Kushal Jain
Dr. Kushal Jain at Operation theatre of Second Affiliated Hospital of Harbin Medical University, China

Additionally, the curriculum was incredibly thorough, covering everything from basic sciences to clinical rotations, providing me with a holistic understanding of medicine.

At Department of Psychiatry during posting in Psych wards
Team of Doctors with Happy patient during ward rounds

As an Indian doctor who learned Mandarin fluently, I had the opportunity to represent India and international students in various conferences, both within and outside our university. My ability to speak Mandarin fluently not only allowed me to effectively communicate with Chinese colleagues and peers, but also allowed me to build strong relationships and networks with individuals from diverse backgrounds. Through my participation in these conferences, I was able to share my experiences and insights as a doctor, as well as learn about the latest advancements and best practices in the medical field. Overall, my experience as a Doctor and international student has been incredibly rewarding, and has allowed me to make meaningful contributions to the medical community.

Dr. Kushal Jain speaking at event in front of International Medical students and Professors

Dr. Kushal Jain speaking at event in front of International Medical students and Professors

Dr. Kushal Jain speaking at event in front of International Medical students and Professors

Dr. Kushal Jain with International Doctors and scholars
Doctor Kushal Jain with Doctors and researchers from different countries
Dr. Kushal Jain representing international doctors at Harbin Medical University
Dr. Kushal Jain at OPD
2014 Batch of Doctors at Harbin Medical University, China – Dr Kushal Jain
Representing International Students at a Conference in China
Representing International Students at a Conference in China
Representing International Students at a Conference
Representing International Students at a Conference in China

The Second Affiliated Hospital of Harbin Medical University is known for its excellent surgical training program, which provided me with valuable hands-on experience during my MBBS. The hospital has state-of-the-art facilities and equipment, and is staffed by experienced and knowledgeable surgeons who are dedicated to training the next generation of medical professionals. I had the opportunity to observe and participate in a wide range of surgical procedures, including both routine and complex surgeries. The hospital also provided me with opportunities to attend lectures and workshops, where I learned about the latest surgical techniques and technologies. Overall, my experience at the Second Affiliated Hospital of Harbin Medical University was instrumental in developing my surgical skills and knowledge, and has prepared me well for a career as a medical professional.

Dr. Kushal Jain with Colleagues during surgical training at Second Affiliated Hospital of Harbin Medical University
Surgical Training during surgery posting at HMU
Learning Intubation and other emergency Procedures at Specialized Skills training in Harbin Medical University, China
Practicing Intubation on Dummy during emergency management training at Harbin Medical University


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